
Showing posts from August, 2020

How To Make Youtube Videos Private In Web As Well As In Moblie

How To Make Youtube Videos Private In Web As Well As In Moblie  It's easy to make a YouTube video private if you don't want the general public (or anyone) to see it. By default, videos that you upload to YouTube are set to public. This way, they are available for anyone to see and comment on. If you prefer, though, you can choose to make a video private. That means just what it sounds like - it's hidden from the general public and only you, the creator, can see it (though it is possible to share private videos with specific people). Here's how to make a YouTube video private on your computer or mobile device. How to make a YouTube video private in a web browser You can make a video private either when you upload and publish it, or afterwards, after it's published. If you're uploading the video from a computer, do this: 1.Click the Create a video or post button at the top of the screen (it looks like a camera) and then click "Upload Video." 2.In the Sel